Thanks for those who have stuck by this mod. Finally feel comfortable releasing a 1.0 version here: This was a very long time coming with a lot of hits and misses.

I'm DONE! Done with all the jobs! Finished up the last of the Oracles last week and just added some cut scene animations that were missing. This is typically found in Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY V\resources. To install you need to extract to the Final Fantasy V\resources folder in your Steam folder. It's playable and a much more enjoyable experience even without a full NPC replacement, IMHO. Everything looks fairly cohesive in-game, even with the original NPCs.

Some of those are palette swaps, so theoretically they could get knocked out quickly. Here's the link for Version 1.0 (replace the for it to work): This includes: Overworld sprites for the playable characters and all main jobs. Now that I'm done with the sprites, I'll probably do a video to show off the work in game, but for now I've got an imgur gallery with everything in there. Given that I want to make this a great experience for other fans I welcome all suggestions. I don't come from a strong graphic design background, but I have a good artistic eye in general, so I figured I'd see what I could do by using the FFIV PSP sprites as a template. This project was born from my extreme disappointment with the iOS/PC remake of both FFV and FFVI.